enVoy is an Elexon and National Grid accredited tool, designed to manage UK ECVN, EDT and EDL Physical Submissions and bid-offer submissions.
It can seamlessly integrate with ETRM systems. enVoy’s responsive data flow management capability provides assurance that data is submitted correctly.
enVoy is a scalable solution, allowing businesses to operate individual modules and increase as required.
Energy One supports emerging and established businesses through the process of gaining Elexon CVA accreditation.
Elexon ECVN manages the contract notification process and supports all CVA data flows from Elexon.
The enVoy ECVN module offers comprehensive management of the ECVN contract notification process between UK Power trading organisations and Elexon. This link ensures the contracted position held at Elexon is always correct with the minimum amount of user interaction.
EDT manages all EDT data flows such as Physical Submissions and Bid offers to National Grid.
The enVoy EDT module provides an interface to National Grid ESO EDT, allowing UK power generators to send various types of submissions to National Grid ESO (such as Physical Submissions, Bid Offer Submissions, BODs and Parameter and Run rate data).
EDL manages all EDL data flows and supports real time dispatch with National Grid.
The enVoy EDL module provides a rich, real-time view of your generation status and supports all EDL data flows. It allows you to quickly assess and respond to instructions received from National Grid. Our profile capability allows you to quickly submit changed parameters, run rates and MELs to National Grid.
We were impressed with the enVoy software functionality and ease of use. With enVoy, the SSE Energy Portfolio Management Team can input or amend standing data directly into enVoy. We have found the web-based, modern system to be easy to use and navigate, with new users easy for us to train in-house. It is also configurable and includes useful functionality. enVoy runs efficiently in the background, with only minimal user intervention required, and undertakes an extremely important, business critical task for SSE. We are also impressed with the Energy One team: as well as being an IT developer and vendor, Energy One has strong power market knowledge and understands the rules in this very bespoke, complex area, and this means the systems perform all of the required tasks.
enPrice is a scalable commodity retail pricing solution for the UK and Irish markets.
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enTrader® is an award-winning ETRM solution designed for UK and European energy market participants.
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enFlow is a tool for automating and managing business processes and for integrating systems.
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With all products available in the cloud as Software as a Service (SaaS), Energy One can provide full management of your system needs.
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