Gas market updates for Europe & UK

There are several important changes coming to European and UK gas markets the next 12-18 months. Our experts are keeping a close eye on these developments and are preparing our gas nomination and market communication solutions, so that they’re ready when each change goes live.

Belgium (ZTP) completes network conversion to high-calorific gas

The gas system in Belgium consists of two separate networks: a network for high-calorific gas and a network for low-calorific gas. The latter is gas from the Groningen field in the Netherlands and exports of this low-calorific gas will progressively phase out between 2024 and 2030.

Therefore, Fluxys Belgium and the Distribution System Operators have been proactively switching end-users of low-calorific natural gas to high-calorific natural gas over the past 7 years. Completion of the network conversion is planned for 2024.

Every summer since 2018, some of the DSOs and their delivery points have been switched over to the High-Calorific gas network. Our team implement these changes in our market communication, nomination and balancing software to ensure gas shippers using our SaaS are not impacted.

Bar any last-minute delays of the TSO timetable, our clients will no longer be able to trade and nominate on the ZTPL (low-calorific) trading hub from September 1st 2024. Likewise, all clients will see values of ‘0’ on the Lcal screens and graphs for the Belgian gas grid.

However, since these changes have been gradually taking place over the past 7 years and each gas shipper is aware of these, we do not expect any surprises. If you do have questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us or consult the TSO website (Fluxys Belgium) and

Germany (THE) to implement BDEW AS4 for gas market communication

After the implementation of BDEW AS4 for electricity market communication in Germany in the past months, our teams are also on top of the upcoming implementation of BDEW AS4 for all market participants on the German gas grid.

AS4 is an open standard for the secure and payload-agnostic exchange of Business-to-business documents using Web services. Secure document exchange is governed by aspects of WS-Security, including XML Encryption and XML Digital Signatures.

The planning phase for the switch-over to BDEW AS4 lasted from 1st of April ’24 until August. On the first of August, the testing and implementation phase commenced, which will last until the end of September. Between 1 October ‘24 and 31 March ‘25, there will be a transition phase / parallel run. As of 1 April 2025, communication via email or AS2 will no longer be possible.

Energy One’s business analysts for the gas market are on top of this project. We dive deeper into this topic in this blog.

In the meantime, you can already find some information on the Trading Hub Europe Website and more specifically in this presentation from May 2024 on the subject.

Gemini Sustain Plus in market trials for UK (NTS)

National Gas Transmission, in partnership with Xoserve and Correla, is undertaking a programme of work to significantly modernise and enhance the Gemini Platform. The Gemini Sustain Plus programme will be delivered over a two-year period. The target delivery is currently planned for March 2025.

The connectivity and onboarding phase of this project concluded in June ’24 and currently market trials for business processes/screens are underway, to allow customers to test the online screen access of the upgraded Gemini System. Our team has implemented the Gemini Sustain Plus API for our market communications engine and is currently testing and doing extensive Quality Assurance.

More info on Gemini Sustain Plus:

Got any questions?

If you have any queries about the above market changes, please do reach out to your dedicated account manager, or fill in our contact form and we’ll get back to you.

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