At Energy One, we are ready for the Viking Link interconnector.
All eZ-Ops customers active, or planning to be active, in the UK and Danish markets will have the capability to nominate on Viking Link from 1 January 2024.
Viking Link is a 1400 MW high voltage direct current (DC) electricity link between the British and Danish transmission systems connecting at Bicker Fen substation in Lincolnshire and Revsing substation in southern Jutland, Denmark. You can find out more about Viking Link here.
eZ-Ops is Energy One’s flagship solution for nominations, balancing, market communication, auction bidding and algo-trading on almost every European gas and power market.
Customers wishing to use Viking Link are being invited to contact their eZ-Ops account manager to start the implementation process.
If you are not currently using eZ-Ops, but are interested to learn more, please don’t hesitate to get in touch to arrange a demo.